Catawba Tailrace Fishing Report 2021

The Catawba Tailrace is one of the best tailwater trout fisheries in North Carolina.

22 inch brown trout caught by Jim Muse. April 2021.

22 inch brown trout caught by Jim Muse. April 2021.

20 inch brown trout caught by Chris Snyder. May 2021.

20 inch brown trout caught by Chris Snyder. May 2021.

21 inch brown trout caught by Allen Locke. April 2021

21 inch brown trout caught by Allen Locke. April 2021

The Catawba Tailrace is a hidden gem in the foothills of North Carolina. On it’s good days this fishery rivals the tailwaters of Tennessee. The Catawba Tailrace offers seclusion unlike any other tailwater in the Southeast. We rarely see other guide boats on this fishery which is an added bonus.

The best times to fish this fishery is from mid November to May/June. The most successful tactics is nymphing and streamer fishing. We rarely throwing anything over a size 12 fly on this stretch because the fish here eat big flies.

The Catawba Tailrace is a diverse fishery that holds numerous species but we only target trout currently on our guided trips. We are devoting time to figuring out the striper fishing here to start offering guided trips one day so stays tuned for that.

Yellow Perch caught on a recent float trip.

Yellow Perch caught on a recent float trip.

We occasionally catch smallmouth on the Catawba Tailrace.

We occasionally catch smallmouth on the Catawba Tailrace.

Striper caught in late summer on the Tailrace.

Striper caught in late summer on the Tailrace.

Trophy Trout on the Catawba Tailrace

It only takes a few years for the stocked fish here to become trophy trout.

The trout that are stocked in the Tailrace grow at fast rates. In two to three years, trout will grow to trophy sizes which is over 20 inches. It’s important to always release these bigger fish because they will only get bigger. Check out some other great catches from earlier years.

21 inch brown caught on November 4th, 2019.

21 inch brown caught on November 4th, 2019.

Trophy brown trout caught on March 5th, 2019.

Trophy brown trout caught on March 5th, 2019.

Nice brown caught on October 30, 2019.

Nice brown caught on October 30, 2019.

Solid brown trout caught in late fall of 2019.

Solid brown trout caught in late fall of 2019.

Outlook for May & June

May 10, 2021

Current water temperature is 54 degrees. Fishing has been consistent all day. Lower stretch has been fishing slower than the upper, but that has been the case since early fall. Lots of fish in the 10-14 inch range with a few bigger ones present on every float. 1 unit generation has provided the best fishing, but no generation has been good. The special trout regulation section is best to nymph while the hatchery supported section fishes best with a streamer. Biggest fish have been caught in the deepest holes. If this cooler weather stays throughout the month of May, fishing will be good well into June. Book your tailwater fishing adventure today. The Catawba Angler specializes in guiding for trout on the Catawba Tailrace below Bridgewater Dam.